Zoom with Extreme Bridges 8/12 – 3PM ET -FREE
with Engineering Bridges author Dr. Penny Noyce
For thousands of years, people have been building bridges.
- What are some of the most unusual materials they’ve used?
- Where are the world’s tallest and longest bridges?
- What are some of the most unusual bridges?
- The oldest still standing?
- The hardest to build?
- The lowest to the water?
- The most beautiful?
- What are some examples of bridges that move?
- What are some of the world’s worst bridge disasters?
For this session of the MOST of everything about bridges, author/educator Pendred Noyce will give you a taste from her book, Engineering Bridges. At the end, she’ll challenge you to build a small bridge of your own with the materials at hand.
Appropriate for ages 7+
Date: August 12, 2020
Time: 3:00pm – 3:45pm ET
Join ZOOM Meeting:
Use code eb and receive 25% off and free shipping on Penny’s book – Engineering Bridges
Get your copy here.
Our Collaborators:
The book was developed in association with the Carnegie Mellon University Gelfand Outreach Center, as well as the Mao Yisheng Foundation in Beijing, China. Additional partners include the US China Scitech Education Promotion Association as well as Shangde Group, of China.
Check out these awesome bridge-related resources and activities for a range of different ages, developed by the Carnegie Mellon Gelfand Center here.