Heroic Women of the Art World


Inspiring life stories of the world’s most remarkable, and often overlooked, women artists—for mature teen readers.

Other than a scattered few, women have not often been portrayed among the world’s great artists, especially in books for young readers. This book begins to correct the omission, with portraits of fifteen daring women from the Renaissance to the present. Sofonisba Anguissola, the first documented female court painter, painted the queen of Spain. During the Renaissance, artist Artemisia Gentileschi took the man who assaulted her to court and won—then went on to build a career painting strong women from the Bible and mythology. Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun fled the French Revolution and supported her daughter and herself by painting portraits across Europe. Rose Bonheur frequented slaughterhouses to master animal anatomy. Berthe Morisot sold paintings exhibited alongside the Impressionists. Augusta Savage fought racism and poverty to become a leading sculptor. The book also profiles more recent and high profile artists, including Frida Kahlo, Annie Leibovitz, Zaha Hadid, and more. Their stories will inspire girls who want to find a place in the arts and girls who simply seek the courage to make their own voices heard in the world.

Author: Eugene H. Pool
Age Range : 12+
Grades: 7+
SKU: N/A Category: Product ID: 16246

Book Details:

  • ISBN: 9781943431533 
  • Genre: Children's Nonfiction: Art
  • Page Count: 200
  • Age Range: 12+
  • Grades: 7+
  • Lexile Level: 1050
  • Pub Date: 23/01/2016
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