ResQ Takes on the Takhi


A harem of takhi—Mongolian wild horses—has wandered out of a national park and into danger. Engineering boy genius Wheaton and his naturalist cousin Stowe shuttle to Mongolia on this second mission for ResQ, their organization to save endangered animals. Against wolves and weather, by helicopter and on horseback, and helped by their new Mongolian friend Sarnai, they struggle to guide the lost horses back into the park before winter sets in.

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Author: Eva Pell
Age Range : 9-12
Grades: 3-6
Product ID: 32528

Book Details:

  • ISBN: 9781943431564
  • Genre: Juvenile Fiction: Animals/Horses & Nature/Environment
  • Page Count: 190
  • Age Range: 9-12
  • Grades: 3-6
  • Pub Date: 15/06/2020
  • Series Title: ResQ: Saving One Animal at a Time



Eva J. Pell has a B.S. in Biology from City College of the City University of New York, and a Ph.D. in Plant Biology from Rutgers University. She was a professor of Plant Pathology at Penn State University from 1973-1999, and was internationally known for her research studying the impact of air pollutants on vegetation. In recognition of leadership in her field, Dr. Pell was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Dr. Pell served as the Senior Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School at Penn State from 1999-2009. The university recognized her contributions by naming a new building after her, the “Eva J. Pell Laboratory for Advance Biological Research.” Dr. Pell was Under Secretary for Science at the Smithsonian Institution from 2010-2014. In 2014 the Smithsonian Board of Regents awarded her the Joseph Henry Medal for her contributions. Dr. Pell is currently a member of the Board of Discovery Space in State College, Pennsylvania, and a member of the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She is a writer of children’s adventure novels, focused on the rescue of endangered species. Her first book, ResQ and the Baby Orangutan, was published in September 2019. The second book in the series, ResQ Takes on the Takhi was published in May 2020.

“I wish this book would have been around when I was a child!  A career in biology covers a large scope and this book offers a terrific introduction to the realities and challenges of wildlife conservation fieldwork.  The story draws readers in with the wonder of a little-known country and species, along with some intriguing sci-fi technology.  I love that one of the main characters keeps a journal (good scientific practice) which is used as a mechanism to communicate to the reader details about Phorse behavior, their place in the ecosystem, and current threats.  The immersive adventure also weaves in key issues that wildlife face in Mongolia.  Overall, I found it to be a true representation of conservation work happening in Hustai National Park and a nice platform to demonstrate real-life problem-solving skills.”
– Kate Jenks, former Conservation Biologist at the Minnesota Zoo 

“A young genius technology whiz and his naturalist cousin journey around the globe to save endangered wildlife in the new series by Eva Pell, former Under Secretary for Science at the Smithsonian Institution. Intended for readers ages 9 through 12, the first two books include adventures in Indonesian Borneo, ResQ and the Baby Orangutan, and Mongolia, ResQ Takes on the Takhi.
Pell conceived of these books when her own grandkids asked for adventure stories. And the stories are page-turning fun, full of adventures and science-fiction level technology. But as an accomplished scientist, Pell gets the details right, whether describing biological concepts, conservation issues or cultures.
Even the seemingly fantastical technology employed by the protagonists have their inspiration from the Materials Research Institute at Penn State. The books educate on a wide variety of issues, but young readers will hardly notice as they enjoy the adventures. They’re perfect for home schooling, good reads that provide a means to discuss deeper environmental issues and the role of technology.”
– Matthew L. Miller, Director of Science Communications for The Nature Conservancy

“Eva Pell did a great job of describing the Asian Wild Horse and its native habitat in Mongolia. She was able to define the conservation issues that surround this region and this endangered species in a way that the reader can understand. Most importantly, young readers are encouraged to dream big without boundaries on technology or politics.  Congratulations!

I know that I will be sharing my copy with my young grandson when he gets old enough to read.”
– Tony Fisher, American Zoological Association; Asian Wild Horse SSP Coordinator/Director of Animal Collections, Minnesota Zoological Gardens

“ResQ Takes on the Takhi by Eva J. Pell is full of adventure, fun and some danger with wild animals, natural elements, and suspense. The ResQ team is made up of Wheaton Guinto, a brainiac, and his cousin Stowe LeBlond, a naturalist and a vegetarian, along with their grandmother Ariella, a wildlife photographer.

The ResQ team is called to Mongolia to find a lost harem of Takhi – Mongolian wild horses. The harem strayed outside the HustaiNuruu National Park and if they aren’t found could threaten the park’s process of reintroducing the Takhi back into the wild. It’s full of adventure, fun and some danger with wild animals, natural elements, and suspense.

Eva Pell keeps you interested in saving the Takhi and in wanting to learn more about science, nature and adventure.  The wild and wacky sci-fi kind of inventions such as the Dynochute, the ECAPS, the HeliBoaJee and the Finder (a bionic dog) help the team on their rescue mission.

ResQ Takes on the Takhiby Eva J. Pell is a really enjoyable read. Kids from ages 8-15 would like this story best but adults will like it too. There is something for everyone and the pictures that look like they are hand-drawn are great.”
– 12 year old reviewer, ReaderViews 

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